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3.1 Extensible I/O framework

STIL can deal with externally-stored tables in a number of different formats. It does this using a set of handlers each of which knows about turning an external data source into one or more java StarTable objects or serializing one or more StarTable objects into an external form. Such an "external table" will typically be a file on a local disk, but might also be a URL pointing to a file on a remote host, or an SQL query on a remote database, or something else.

The core I/O framework of STIL itself does not know about any table formats, but it knows how to talk to format-specific input or output handlers. A number of these (VOTable, FITS, ASCII and others, described in the following subsections) are supplied as part of the STIL package, so for dealing with tables in these formats you don't need to do any extra work. However, the fact that these are treated in a standard way means that it is possible to add new format-specific handlers and the rest of the library will work with tables in that format just the same as with the supplied formats.

If you have a table format which is unsupported by STIL as it stands, you can do one or both of the following:

Write a new input handler:
Implement the TableBuilder interface to take a stream of data and return a StarTable object. Optionally, you can also implement the MultiTableBuilder subinterface if the format can contain multiple tables per file. Install it in a StarTableFactory, either programmatically using the getDefaultBuilders or getKnownBuilders methods, or by setting the startable.readers system property. This factory will then be able to pick up tables in this format as well as other known formats. Such a TableBuilder can also be used directly to read tables by code which knows that it's dealing with data in that particular format.
Write a new output handler:
Implement the StarTableWriter interface to take a StarTable and write it to a given destination. Optionally, you can also implement the MultiStarTableWriter subinterface if the format can contain multiple tables per file. Install it in a StarTableOutput either programmatically using the setHandlers method or by setting the startable.writers system property. This StarTableOutput will be then be able to write tables in this format as well as others. Such a StarTableWriter can also be used directly to write tables by code which wants to write data in that particular format.

Because setting the startable.readers/startable.writers system properties can be done by the user at runtime, an application using STIL can be reconfigured to work with new table formats without having to rebuild either STIL or the application in question.

This document does not currently offer a tutorial on writing new table I/O handlers; refer to the javadocs for the relevant classes.

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STIL - Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library
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