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6.4.3 Add a new column

In this example we will append to a table a new column in which each cell contains the sum of all the other numeric cells in that row.

First, we define a wrapper table class which contains only a single column, the one which we want to add. We subclass AbstractStarTable, implementing its abstract methods as well as the getCell method which may be required if the base table is random-access.

    class SumColumnStarTable extends AbstractStarTable {

        StarTable baseTable_;
        ColumnInfo colInfo0_ = 
            new ColumnInfo( "Sum", Double.class, "Sum of other columns" );

        // Constructs a new summation table from a base table.
        SumColumnStarTable( StarTable baseTable ) {
            baseTable_ = baseTable;

        // Has a single column.
        public int getColumnCount() {
            return 1;

        // The single column is the sum of the other columns.
        public ColumnInfo getColumnInfo( int icol ) {
            if ( icol != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            return colInfo0_;

        // Has the same number of rows as the base table.
        public long getRowCount() {
            return baseTable_.getRowCount();

        // Provides random access iff the base table does.
        public boolean isRandom() {
            return baseTable_.isRandom();

        // Get the row from the base table, and sum elements to produce value.
        public Object getCell( long irow, int icol ) throws IOException {
            if ( icol != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            return calculateSum( baseTable_.getRow( irow ) );

        // Use a WrapperRowSequence based on the base table's RowSequence.
        // Wrapping a RowSequence is quite like wrapping the table itself;
        // we just need to override the methods which require new behaviour.
        public RowSequence getRowSequence() throws IOException {
            final RowSequence baseSeq = baseTable_.getRowSequence();
            return new WrapperRowSequence( baseSeq ) {
                public Object getCell( int icol ) throws IOException {
                    if ( icol != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                    return calculateSum( baseSeq.getRow() );
                public Object[] getRow() throws IOException {
                    return new Object[] { getCell( 0 ) };

        // Do the same for the RowAccess.
        public RowAccess getRowAccess() throws IOException {
            final RowAccess baseAcc = baseTable_.getRowAccess();
            return new WrapperRowAccess( baseAcc ) {
                public Object getCell( int icol ) throws IOException {
                    if ( icol != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                    return calculateSum( baseAcc.getRow() );
                public Object[] getRow() throws IOException {
                    return new Object[] { getCell( 0 ) };

        // getRowSplittable must also be overridden.  Here we use the
        // basic implementation from the utility class Tables,
        // but if you expect to be doing parallel processing a
        // more careful implementation based on the base table's
        // RowSplittable may be required.
        public RowSplittable getRowSplittable() throws IOException {
            return Tables.getDefaultRowSplittable( this );

        // This method does the arithmetic work, summing all the numeric 
        // columns in a row (array of cell value objects) and returning 
        // a Double.
        Double calculateSum( Object[] row ) {
            double sum = 0.0;
            for ( int icol = 0; icol < row.length; icol++ ) {
                Object value = row[ icol ];
                if ( value instanceof Number ) {
                    sum += ((Number) value).doubleValue();
            return new Double( sum );
We could use this class on its own if we just wanted a 1-column table containing summed values. The following snippet however combines an instance of this class with the table that it is summing from, resulting in an n+1 column table in which the last column is the sum of the others:
    StarTable getCombinedTable( StarTable inTable ) {
        StarTable[] tableSet = new StarTable[ 2 ];
        tableSet[ 0 ] = inTable;
        tableSet[ 1 ] = new SumColumnStarTable( inTable );
        StarTable combinedTable = new JoinStarTable( tableSet );
        return combinedTable;

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