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6.4.1 Sorted Table

This example shows how you can wrap a table to provide a sorted view of it. It subclasses RowPermutedStarTable, which is a wrapper that presents its base table with the rows in a different order.

    class SortedStarTable extends RowPermutedStarTable {

        // Constructs a new table from a base table, sorted on a given column.
        SortedStarTable( StarTable baseTable, int sortCol ) throws IOException {

            // Call the superclass constructor - this will throw an exception
            // if baseTable does not have random access.
            super( baseTable );
            assert baseTable.isRandom();

            // Check that the column we are being asked to sort on has
            // a defined sort order.
            Class clazz = baseTable.getColumnInfo( sortCol ).getContentClass();
            if ( ! Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( clazz + " not Comparable" );
            // Fill an array with objects which contain both the index of each
            // row, and the object in the selected column in that row.
            int nrow = (int) getRowCount();
            RowKey[] keys = new RowKey[ nrow ];
            for ( int irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++ ) {
                Object value = baseTable.getCell( irow, sortCol );
                keys[ irow ] = new RowKey( (Comparable) value, irow );

            // Sort the array on the values of the objects in the column;
            // the row indices will get sorted into the right order too.
            Arrays.sort( keys );

            // Read out the values of the row indices into a permutation array.
            long[] rowMap = new long[ nrow ];
            for ( int irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++ ) {
                rowMap[ irow ] = keys[ irow ].index_;

            // Finally set the row permutation map of this table to the one
            // we have just worked out.
            setRowMap( rowMap );

        // Defines a class (just a structure really) which can hold 
        // a row index and a value (from our selected column).
        class RowKey implements Comparable { 
            Comparable value_;
            int index_;
            RowKey( Comparable value, int index ) {
                value_ = value;
                index_ = index;
            public int compareTo( Object o ) {
                RowKey other = (RowKey) o;
                return this.value_.compareTo( other.value_ );

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