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7.4.4 VOTable Version

There are a number of versions of the VOTable standard. These do not differ very much, but there are some changes between the versions - see for instance the change list in the appendix of the most recent VOTable document. When writing VOTables, you can either specify explicitly which version you want to write, or use the current default.

The hard-coded default for VOTable output version is given by the value of the VOTableVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION_STRING constant, currently "1.4", but this can be overridden at runtime by setting the "votable.version" system property, e.g. to "1.2".

To set the output version programmatically, you can supply one of the provided static instances of the VOTableVersion in an appropriate context, e.g.:

    new VOTableWriter( DataFormat.BINARY, true, VOTableVersion.V12 )


    VOSerializer.makeSerializer( DataFormat.TABLEDATA, VOTableVersion.V10, table )

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