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6.1.4 addskycoords


   addskycoords [-epoch <expr>] [-inunit deg|rad|sex] [-outunit deg|rad|sex]
                <insys> <outsys> <col-id1> <col-id2> <col-name1> <col-name2>

Add new columns to the table representing position on the sky. The values are determined by converting a sky position whose coordinates are contained in existing columns. The <col-id> arguments give identifiers for the two input coordinate columns in the coordinate system named by <insys>, and the <col-name> arguments name the two new columns, which will be in the coordinate system named by <outsys>. The <insys> and <outsys> coordinate system specifiers are one of

The -inunit and -outunit flags may be used to indicate the units of the existing coordinates and the units for the new coordinates respectively; use one of degrees, radians or sexagesimal (may be abbreviated), otherwise degrees will be assumed. For sexagesimal, the two corresponding columns must be string-valued in forms like hh:mm:ss.s and dd:mm:ss.s respectively.

For certain conversions, the value specified by the -epoch flag is of significance. Where significant its value defaults to 2000.0.

Syntax for the <expr> , <col-id1> and <col-id2> arguments is described in the manual.

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