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4.5 Table output modes (mode_*)

The STILTS table output modes documented in Section 6.4 are available in JyStilts as table methods which start with the "mode_" prefix. These methods have no return value, but cause something to happen, in some cases output to be written to standard output. Some of these methods have named arguments, others have no arguments. Use the python help command to see the usage of each method.

These methods are straightforward to use. The following example calculates statistics for a table and writes the results to standard output:

   >>> table.mode_stats()
and this one attempts to send the table via the SAMP communications protocol to a running instance of TOPCAT:
   >>> table.mode_samp(client='topcat')

The output modes are also available as module functions. This means that

   stilts.mode_samp(table, client='topcat')
have exactly the same meaning. It's a matter of taste which you prefer.

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