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Up: pixfoot: Generates Multi-Order Coverage maps
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B.8.2 Examples

Here are some examples of pixfoot:

stilts pixfoot in=survey.vot order=8 mocfmt=fits out=sfoot.fits
Generates an order-8 FITS MOC file from the point positions of rows in the given VOTable. The columns representing sky position are determined automatically (if possible) by examining the metadata in the input table.
stilts pixfoot in='jdbc:mysql://localhost/astro1#SELECT * FROM first1'
               icmd='addskycoords galactic icrs GLON GLAT ALPHA DELTA'
               ra=ALPHA dec=DELTA radius=20./3600.
               order=13 mocfmt=fits out=first.moc
Generates an order-13 FITS MOC file from positions in a table held in a database. The positions in the original table are in galactic coordinates, so have to be converted to equatorial (ICRS) first. The map is formed in this case by surrounding each point by a disc of 20 arcsec. Note that JDBC database access will have to be set up as per Section 3.4 for this command to work.

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Next: pixsample: Samples from a HEALPix pixel data file
Up: pixfoot: Generates Multi-Order Coverage maps
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