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B.35.2 Examples

Here are some examples of using tjoin:

stilts tjoin nin=2 in2=fluxes.fits out=combined.fits
Takes two input FITS files and sticks them together side by side, writing the result as a third FITS file. The output will have the same number of rows as each of the input catalogues, and a number of columns equal to the sum of those in the two input catalogues.
stilts tjoin nin=3 fixcols=all \
             ifmt1=ascii in1=t1.txt suffix1=_T1 \
             ifmt2=ascii in2=t2.txt suffix2=_T2 \
             ifmt3=ascii in3=t3.txt suffix3=_T3 \
             ocmd='select FLAG_T1==0' \
This joins three ascii tables together. Each column of the output table is renamed by appending a string to it ("_T1" for the first table, "_T2" for the second...). Only those rows of the output for which the FLAG column in the first input table, and hence the FLAG_T1 column in the output table, have the value zero are selected. Statistics are calculated for all the columns of these selected rows, and written to the output.

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Next: tmatch1: Performs a crossmatch internal to a single table
Up: tjoin: Joins multiple tables side-to-side
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