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1 Introduction

Yafit is a package intended for identifying which spectral models from a given set are best fits to one or more observational data sets. Operation is as follows:

  1. Prepare a file containing the observations to fit
  2. Prepare a file containing calculated model spectra to fit the observations against
  3. Perform the fit
In general this will be done by executing three separate commands. Section 2 explains how to invoke commands from the Yafit package, and Section 3.1, Section 3.2 and Section 3.3 describe the three steps above. Note it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the quantities to be fitted against each other (the observation and model data) are compatible, that is, represent the same X and Y quantities and have compatible units.

To use Yafit, you should read Section 2 to find out how to invoke the commands, and then Section 3 for an explanation of how to use the tool to fit your data. The other sections can be consulted as required.

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Yafit - Yet Another Fitting Tool
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