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A.4.11.2 Cube Axes Control

The Axes control () for the cube plot window has the following tabs:

Coords Tab
Coords tab of the cube Axes control

Coords tab of the cube Axes control

The Coords tab controls the axis coordinates. It has the following options:

X/Y/Z Log
If selected, X/Y/Z axis coordinates are logarithmic, otherwise they are linear.
X/Y/Z Flip
If selected, X/Y/Z axis coordinate axes run in the opposite direction to normal.

Navigation Tab
Navigation tab of the cube Axes control

Navigation tab of the cube Axes control

The Navigation tab controls details of how the navigation works. It has the following options:

Zoom Axes
By default the Auto setting is in effect. This means that the mouse wheel zooms around the center of the cube, and right-button drag zooms in the two dimensions most closely aligned with the plane of the screen, with the reference position set by the initial position of the mouse. If Auto is unset, then all zoom operations are around the cube center, and affect the axes indicated by the X/Y/Z checkboxes.
Zoom Factor
Controls the factor by which each zoom action zooms the plot. Moving this slider to the left/right makes the mouse more/less sensitive (one wheel click or dragging a fixed distance has more/less zoom effect).

Range Tab
Range tab of the cube Axes control

Range tab of the cube Axes control

The Range tab provides manual configuration of the visible range of the plot. Making changes to this tab will reset the visible plot range, but not vice versa - zooming and panning in the usual way will not change the settings of this panel.

Filling in the Minimum/Maximum fields for one or more axes will constrain the corresponding range of the visible data. The limits corresponding to any of those fields that are left blank will initially be worked out from the data. The Subrange double-sliders restrict the ranges within the (explicit or automatic) min/max ranges. Note you can move both sliders at once by grabbing a position between the two.

The Clear button resets all the fields.

View Tab
View tab of the cube Axes control

View tab of the cube Axes control

The View tab can configure how the cube containing the data is viewed in the plot window, though it does not control the content of the cube.

Zoom factor
Sets the magnification of the cube wireframe itself, without affecting the data volume it contains. This cannot be done with the mouse.
X/Y offset of centre
Controls where on the screen the cube wireframe is centred. This cannot be done with the mouse.

Grid Tab
Grid tab of the cube Axes control

Grid tab of the cube Axes control

The Grid tab configures the appearance of the cube wire frame enclosing the data volume.

Draw wire frame
Whether the enclosing cube is drawn at all.
Minor Ticks
If set, minor (unlabelled) tick marks will be drawn between the major (labelled) ones.
X/Y/Z Tick Crowding
Use the slider to influence how many tick marks are draw on each axis.
Tick Label Angles
Controls orientation of numeric labels on the axes. By default they are drawn adaptively: horizontally where possible, but may be angled to accommodate more labels if crowding is high. But you can choose to fix the orientation horizontal or angled instead.
Controls whether grid lines will be drawn antialiased (smoothed) or not. This option does not affect exported plots.

Labels Tab
Labels tab of the cube Axes control

Labels tab of the cube Axes control

The Labels tab controls the text labels on the axes. If the Auto checkbox is set, the text will be taken from one of the data coordinates being plotted on that axis. To override those with your own axis labels, unset Auto and type text in to the Label fields.

Font Tab
Font tab

Font tab

The Font tab configures the font used for axis annotation. It also affects some other things like the legend.

Text Syntax
How to turn the text into characters on the screen. Plain and Antialias both take the text at face value, but Antialias smooths the characters. Antialiased text usually looks nicer, but can be perceptibly slower to plot. At time of writing, on MacOS antialiased text seems to be required to stop the writing coming out upside-down for non-horizontal text. LaTeX interprets the text as LaTeX source code and typesets it accordingly.
Font Size
Size of the font in points.
Font Style
Style of the font.
Font Weight
Whether the font is plain, bold or italic.

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