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A.10.1.18 SAMP Message

Configuration for SAMP Message action

Configuration for SAMP Message action

The SAMP Message action allows you to send a custom SAMP message to other appliacations on the desktop. In most cases it is more straightforward to use one of the standard Send... actions like Send Sky Coordinates, Send FITS Image or Send VOTable, but if you want to send a SAMP message that is not covered by those options, you can use this action instead to control exactly what goes in the message.

To use this action, you need to supply the MType string and (if applicable) name-value pairs for the message parameters. You will of course need to know the MType-specific parameter syntax for the message that you want to send.


The MType string identifying the message type to send.
Target Client
Determines which external client(s) to send the messages to. Only those which declare support for the chosen MType are listed. The default is "All Clients" which will send it to all eligible applications, but you can select just one. Clicking the selector also serves to indicate which clients capable of acting on the supplied MType are currently registered. If there are none, the action will be disabled.
Message Parameters
Each line represents a name=value pair to be sent as a parameter assignment in the message that is sent. The first field gives the name of the parameter, and the second gives its value. Note that the name part is interpreted as a literal string, but the value part is an expression in TOPCAT's expression language, evaluated for each table row as it is activated.
Add/Remove Parameter Field (/)
Use these buttons to add or remove name = expression fields in the parameter list. Empty entries at the end of the list are ignored, so you don't have to remove trailing ones.

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