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B.2.7 SuperCosmos

Specialist display functions for use with the SuperCOSMOS survey. These functions display cutout images from the various archives hosted at the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys ( In most cases these cover the whole of the southern sky.

sssShowCutout( ra, dec, pixels )
Displays a cutout image in one of the available bands from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys. The displayed image is square, and pixels pixels in the X and Y dimensions. Pixels are approximately 0.67 arcsec square. Sky coverage is complete.

sssShowCutout( ra, dec )
Displays a cutout image of default size in one of the available bands from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys. Sky coverage is complete.

sssShowBlue( ra, dec, pixels )
Displays a cutout image of default size from one of the blue-band surveys from SuperCOSMOS. Sky coverage is complete.

sssShowRed( ra, dec, pixels )
Displays a cutout image of default size from one of the red-band surveys from SuperCOSMOS. Sky coverage is complete.

sssShowUkstB( ra, dec, pixels )
Displays a cutout image taken from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys UK Schmidt Telescope Bj-band survey. The displayed image is square, and pixels pixels in the X and Y dimensions. Pixels are approximately 0.67 arcsec square.

Sky coverage is -90<Dec<+2.5 (degrees).

sssShowUkstR( ra, dec, pixels )
Displays a cutout image taken from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys UK Schmidt Telescope R-band survey. The displayed image is square, and pixels pixels in the X and Y dimensions. Pixels are approximately 0.67 arcsec square.

Sky coverage is -90<Dec<+2.5 (degrees).

sssShowUkstI( ra, dec, pixels )
Displays a cutout image taken from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys UK Schmidt Telescope I-band survey. The displayed image is square, and pixels pixels in the X and Y dimensions. Pixels are approximately 0.67 arcsec square.

Sky coverage is -90<Dec<+2.5 (degrees).

sssShowEsoR( ra, dec, pixels )
Displays a cutout image taken from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys ESO R-band survey. The displayed image is square, and pixels pixels in the X and Y dimensions. Pixels are approximately 0.67 arcsec square.

Sky coverage is -90<Dec<+2.5 (degrees).

sssShowPossE( ra, dec, pixels )
Displays a cutout image taken from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys Palomar E-band survey. The displayed image is square, and pixels pixels in the X and Y dimensions. Pixels are approximately 0.67 arcsec square.

Sky coverage is -20.5<Dec<+2.5 (degrees).

Base URL for SuperCOSMOS image cutout service.

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