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B.1.19 Tilings

Pixel tiling functions for the celestial sphere.

The k parameter for the HEALPix functions is the HEALPix order, which can be in the range 0<=k<=29. This is the logarithm to base 2 of the HEALPix NSIDE parameter. At order k, there are 12*4^k pixels on the sphere.

htmIndex( level, lon, lat )
Gives the HTM (Hierachical Triangular Mesh) pixel index for a given sky position.

healpixNestIndex( k, lon, lat )
Gives the pixel index for a given sky position in the HEALPix NEST scheme.

healpixRingIndex( k, lon, lat )
Gives the pixel index for a given sky position in the HEALPix RING scheme.

healpixNestLon( k, index )
Returns the longitude of the approximate center of the tile with a given index in the HEALPix NEST scheme.

Note: the index parameter is 0-based, unlike the table row index special token $index (a.k.a. $0), which is 1-based. So if the HEALpix index is implicitly determined by the table row, the value $index-1 should be used.

healpixNestLat( k, index )
Returns the latitude of the approximate center of the tile with a given index in the HEALPix NEST scheme.

Note: the index parameter is 0-based, unlike the table row index special token $index (a.k.a. $0), which is 1-based. So if the HEALpix index is implicitly determined by the table row, the value $index-1 should be used.

healpixRingLon( k, index )
Returns the longitude of the approximate center of the tile with a given index in the HEALPix RING scheme.

Note: the index parameter is 0-based, unlike the table row index special token $index (a.k.a. $0), which is 1-based. So if the HEALpix index is implicitly determined by the table row, the value $index-1 should be used.

healpixRingLat( k, index )
Returns the latitude of the approximate center of the tile with a given index in the HEALPix RING scheme.

Note: the index parameter is 0-based, unlike the table row index special token $index (a.k.a. $0), which is 1-based. So if the HEALpix index is implicitly determined by the table row, the value $index-1 should be used.

healpixNestToRing( k, nestIndex )
Converts a healpix tile index from the NEST to the RING scheme at a given order.

Note: the nestIndex parameter is 0-based, unlike the table row index special token $index (a.k.a. $0), which is 1-based. So if the HEALpix index is implicitly determined by the table row, the value $index-1 should be used.

healpixRingToNest( k, ringIndex )
Converts a healpix tile index from the RING to the NEST scheme at a given order.

Note: the ringIndex parameter is 0-based, unlike the table row index special token $index (a.k.a. $0), which is 1-based. So if the HEALpix index is implicitly determined by the table row, the value $index-1 should be used.

healpixK( pixelsize )
Gives the HEALPix resolution parameter suitable for a given pixel size. This k value (also variously known as order, level, depth) is the logarithm to base 2 of the Nside parameter.

healpixResolution( k )
Gives the approximate resolution in degrees for a given HEALPix resolution parameter k This k value is the logarithm to base 2 of the Nside parameter.

healpixSteradians( k )
Returns the solid angle in steradians of each HEALPix pixel at a given order.

healpixSqdeg( k )
Returns the solid angle in square degrees of each HEALPix pixel at a given order.

steradiansToSqdeg( sr )
Converts a solid angle from steradians to square degrees.

The unit sphere is 4*PI steradians = 360*360/PI square degrees.

sqdegToSteradians( sqdeg )
Converts a solid angle from square degrees to steradians.

The unit sphere is 4*PI steradians = 360*360/PI square degrees.

htmLevel( pixelsize )
Gives the HTM level parameter suitable for a given pixel size.

htmResolution( level )
Gives the approximate resolution in degrees for a given HTM depth level.

Solid angle in steradians corresponding to 1 square degree.

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