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10.7.23 VO

Virtual Observatory-specific functions. Some of these are for rather technical purposes.

The UCD parsing functions are based on Grégory Mantelet's library Ucidy corresponding to UCD1+ 1.5, and the VOUnit parsing functions are based on Norman Gray's library Unity corresponding to VOUnits 1.0.

TFCat refers to the Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues format, TFCat 1.0.

ucdStatus( ucd )
Returns a token string giving the category of UCD compliance. UCD1+, UCD1 and SIAv1 ("VOX:")-style UCDs are recognised.

Possible return values are currently:

In the case of non-compliant values, more information can be found using the ucdMessage function.

ucdMessage( ucd )
Returns a human-readable message associated with the parsing of a UCD. This is expected to be empty for a fully compliant UCD, and may contain error messages or advice otherwise.

vounitStatus( unit )
Returns a token string giving the category of VOUnits compliance.

Possible return values are currently:

In the case of non-compliant values, more information can be found using the vounitMessage function.

vounitMessage( unit )
Returns a human-readable message associated with the parsing of a unit string. This is expected to be empty for a string fully compliant with VOUnits, and may contain error messages or additional information otherwise.

tfcatStatus( tfcat )
Returns a token string giving the category of TFCat compliance.

Possible return values are currently:

For non-OK values, more information can be found using the tfcatMessage function.

tfcatMessage( tfcat )
Returns a human-readable message associated with the parsing of a TFCat text. This will be empty for a string fully compliant with the TFCat standard, but will contain error messages otherwise.

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