Here are some examples of cdsskymatch
stilts cdsskymatch cdstable=II/246/out find=all in=dr5qso.fits ra=RA dec=DEC radius=1 out=qso_2mass.fits
against the
VizieR table II/246/out
(the 2MASS Point Source Catalogue).
The search radius is 1 arcsecond, and all 2MASS sources within the
radius of each input source are returned.
stilts cdsskymatch cdstable=simbad find=best in=sources.txt ifmt=ascii ra=RAJ2000 dec=DEJ2000 radius=8.5 blocksize=1000 icmd=progress omode=topcat
stilts cdsskymatch in=3XMM_DR4cat_slim_v1.0.fits icmd='select "SC_POSERR < 1 && SC_EXTENT == 0"' cdstable=B/mk/mktypes ra=SC_RA dec=SC_DEC radius=1.5 find=best suffixin=_XMM suffixremote=_MK fixcols=all ocmd='select startsWith(spType_MK,\"G\")' out=xmm_gtype.fits
filter selects the objects
in that catalogue with well-defined point-like positions.
It then matches them with Skiff's MK spectral classification
catalogue (B/mk/mktypes in VizieR) and finally filters the
result to include only those sources identified as being of
spectral type G. Thanks to Ada Nebot (CDS) for this example.