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Up: cone: Executes a Cone Search-like query
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B.4.2 Examples

Here are some examples of cone:

stilts cone serviceurl=
            lon=56.75 lat=24.12 radius=0.8
Queries the ARI-Gaia cone search service for sources within 0.8 of the given sky position, and writes the result to a file.
stilts cone serviceurl=
            lon=56.75 lat=24.12 radius=0.8
            ocmd='sorthead 10 phot_g_mean_mag'
            ocmd='keepcols "source_id ra dec phot_g_mean_mag"'
This does the same basic query as the previous example, but post-processes the result so that a limited amount of data (source identifier, position and magnitude) for only the ten brightest sources is written to the console. Since most of the columns are discarded, we specify verb=1 which indicates to the service that only a minimal column set is required in the query result.
stilts -verbose
       cone servicetype=ssa serviceurl=''
            lon=0 lat=90 radius=1.0 skysys=galactic
Queries the ESO Simple Spectral Access service for spectra within one degree of the northern galactic pole. The omode=count parameter means that it just counts the rows and columns and prints the numbers to the console. The -verbose flag means that (amongst other things) the full URL that the command used to make the query will be logged to the console.

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Next: coneskymatch: Crossmatches table on sky position against remote cone service
Up: cone: Executes a Cone Search-like query
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