The initial development of STILTS was done under the UK's Starlink project (1980-2005, R.I.P.). Since then it has been supported by grant PP/D002486/1 from the UK's Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council, the VOTech project (from EU FP6), the AstroGrid project (from PPARC/STFC), the AIDA project (from EU FP7), grants ST/H008470/1, ST/I00176X/1, ST/J001414/1, ST/L002388/1, ST/M000907/1, ST/R000700/1 and ST/S001980/1 from the UK's Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the GAVO project (BMBF Bewilligungsnummer 05A08VHA), the European Space Agency, and the EU FP7-2013-Space project GENIUS. All of this support is gratefully acknowledged.
Apart from the excellent Java 2 Standard Edition itself, the following external libraries provide important parts of STILTS's functionality:
Many people have contributed ideas and advice to the development of STILTS and its related products. A list of some of them can be found in the TOPCAT user document, SUN/253.
If you use this software in published work, the following citation would be appreciated:
2006ASPC..351..666T: M. B. Taylor, "STILTS - A Package for Command-Line Processing of Tabular Data", in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV, eds. C. Gabriel et al., ASP Conf. Ser. 351, p. 666 (2006)