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2 The stilts command

All the functions available in this package can be used from a single command, which is usually referred to in this document simply as "stilts". Depending on how you have installed the package, you may just type "stilts", or something like

   java -jar some/path/stilts.jar
   java -classpath topcat-full.jar
or something else - this is covered in detail in Section 3.

In general, the form of a command is

   stilts <stilts-flags> <task-name> <task-args>
The forms of the parts of this command are described in the following subsections, and details of each of the available tasks along with their arguments are listed in the command reference at the end of this document. Some of the commands are highly configurable and have a variety of parameters to define their operation. In many cases however, it's not complicated to use them. For instance, to convert the data in a FITS table to VOTable format you might write:
   stilts tcopy cat.fits cat.vot

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