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B.24 taplint: Tests TAP services

taplint runs a series of tests on a Table Access Protocol (TAP) service and reports the results. Unlike most of the other tools in this package it is not likely to be of use to normal users; its intended use is for people developing or operating TAP services to assess their services, perhaps with a view to improving compliance.

Testing takes place in a number of stages; it is possible to choose which stages are run in by using the stages parameter. The default output (format=text) is line-based text to standard output, and each report line is of the (fairly greppable) form:

   T-SSS-MMMMxN aaaaa...
where the parts have the following meanings:

If you don't like that format, others may be selected using the format parameter, which currently also supports JSON. For more flexible interaction with the output you can invoke taplint programmatically and supply your own OutputReporter instance.

TAP is a complicated beast, referencing many standards (including TAP, UWS, VODataService, ADQL, VOResource, VOSI, TAPRegExt, DALI, ObsCore, ObsLocTAP, EPN-TAP, VOTable, UCD, VOUnits, SSO, SoftID, HTTP, RDFa Lite), and it is hard to write a validator which is comprehensive, especially one which can provide useful output for services with a range of compliance levels. This tool tries to make a wide range of tests, but does not claim to be comprehensive. An idea of what tests it does perform can be gained from the stages listed in the description of the stages parameter. It does make a fairly good job of checking that declared metadata is consistent and matches the data actually returned from queries, it tests job submission in most of the various ways permitted by the TAP standard, and it checks all returned VOTables by effectively running them through votlint. Things it does not test much include complex ADQL queries, coordinate/STC-related data types, queries in non-ADQL languages, and service registration.

HTTP connections made by this validator are flagged in the User-Agent field with the token "(IVOA-test)".

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