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B.1.4 Conversions

Functions for converting between strings and numeric values.

toString( fpVal )
Turns a numeric value into a string.

toString( intVal )
Turns an integer numeric value into a string.

toString( charVal )
Turns a single character value into a string.

toString( byteVal )
Turns a byte value into a string.

toString( booleanVal )
Turns a boolean value into a string.

toString( objVal )
Turns any object value into a string. As applied to existing string values this isn't really useful, but it means that you can apply toString to any object value without knowing its type and get a useful return from it.

parseByte( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a byte (8-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseShort( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a short (16-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseInt( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as an int (32-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseLong( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a long (64-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseFloat( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a float (32-bit floating point) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseDouble( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a double (64-bit signed integer) value. If the input string can't be interpreted in this way, a blank value will result.

parseBigInteger( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a "BigInteger" value. This can be used for working with string representations of integers that can't be stored as an unsigned 64-bit value.

The result is a BigInteger object, which can't be used in normal numeric expressions, but has a number of methods defined on it for comparison, arithmetic, bit manipulation etc. See the java.math.BigInteger javadocs for details.

parseBigDecimal( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as a "BigDecimal" value. This can be used for working with string representations of non-integer values that require more precision or range than is possible in a 64-bit IEEE-754 double precision variable.

The result is a BigDecimal object, which can't be used in normal numeric expressions, but has a number of methods defined on it for comparison, arithmetic, bit manipulation etc. See the java.math.BigDecimal javadocs for details.

parseInts( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as an array of integer values. An ad-hoc algorithm is used that tries to extract a list of integers from a string; a comma- or space-separated list of integer values will work, and other formats may or may not.

The details of this function's behaviour may change in future releases.

parseDoubles( str )
Attempts to interpret a string as an array of floating point values. An ad-hoc algorithm is used that tries to extract a list of numeric values from a string; a comma- or space-separated list of floating point values will work, and other formats may or may not.

This function can be used as a hacky way to extract the numeric values from an STC-S (for instance ObsCore/EPNcore s_region) string.

The details of this function's behaviour may change in future releases.

toByte( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to a byte (8-bit signed integer) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toShort( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to a short (16-bit signed integer) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toInteger( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to an int (32-bit signed integer) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toLong( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to a long (64-bit signed integer) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toFloat( value )
Attempts to convert the numeric argument to a float (32-bit floating point) result. If it is out of range, a blank value will result.

toDouble( value )
Converts the numeric argument to a double (64-bit signed integer) result.

toHex( value )
Converts the integer argument to hexadecimal form.

fromHex( hexVal )
Converts a string representing a hexadecimal number to its integer value.

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