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B.1.5 CoordsDegrees

Functions for angle transformations and manipulations, with angles generally in degrees. In particular, methods for translating between degrees and HH:MM:SS.S or DDD:MM:SS.S type sexagesimal representations are provided.

degreesToDms( deg )
Converts an angle in degrees to a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string. No fractional part of the seconds field is given.

degreesToDms( deg, secFig )
Converts an angle in degrees to a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string with a given number of decimal places in the seconds field.

degreesToHms( deg )
Converts an angle in degrees to a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string. No fractional part of the seconds field is given.

degreesToHms( deg, secFig )
Converts an angle in degrees to a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string with a given number of decimal places in the seconds field.

dmsToDegrees( dms )
Converts a formatted degrees:minutes:seconds string to an angle in degrees. Delimiters may be colon, space, characters dm[s], or some others. Additional spaces and leading +/- are permitted. The :seconds part is optional.

hmsToDegrees( hms )
Converts a formatted hours:minutes:seconds string to an angle in degrees. Delimiters may be colon, space, characters hm[s], or some others. Additional spaces and leading +/- are permitted. The :seconds part is optional.

dmsToDegrees( deg, min, sec )
Converts degrees, minutes, seconds to an angle in degrees.

In conversions of this type, one has to be careful to get the sign right in converting angles which are between 0 and -1 degrees. This routine uses the sign bit of the deg argument, taking care to distinguish between +0 and -0 (their internal representations are different for floating point values). It is illegal for the min or sec arguments to be negative.

hmsToDegrees( hour, min, sec )
Converts hours, minutes, seconds to an angle in degrees.

In conversions of this type, one has to be careful to get the sign right in converting angles which are between 0 and -1 hours. This routine uses the sign bit of the hour argument, taking care to distinguish between +0 and -0 (their internal representations are different for floating point values).

skyDistanceDegrees( ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2 )
Calculates the separation (distance around a great circle) of two points on the sky in degrees.

posAngDegrees( ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2 )
Calculates the position angle between two points on the sky in degrees. The result is in the range +/-180. If point 2 is due east of point 1, the result is +90. Zero is returned if the points are coincident.

polarDistanceDegrees( ra1, dec1, radius1, ra2, dec2, radius2 )
Calculates the distance in three dimensional space between two points specified in spherical polar coordinates.

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