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A.4.3.2 Legend Control

The Legend control () is always visible in the plot Control Panel. It allows you to configure whether and how the plot legend appears.

This control has two tabs, Style and Location.

Style Tab
Legend control Style tab

Legend control Style tab

The Style tab configures the appearance of the legend panel, and has the folowing options:

Show Legend
Whether the legend appears in the plot. This is set automatically: if only one data set is present no legend is shown, but once multiple datasets are present the legend is visible. But the option can be overridden manually using this control.
If true, the legend has an opaque white background. If false, it is transparent, and any plot data underneath it is visible.
If true, a black line border is shown around the legend. If false, there is no border.

Location Tab
Legend control Location tab

Legend control Location tab

The Location tab configures where on the plot the legend is drawn (if present). There are two options, External and Internal. If Internal is chosen, then a control is activated showing a small box inside a large box. Drag the small box around with the mouse to change the position of the legend inside the plot bounds.

Note the font used in the legend is currently controlled by the font from the Axes selector.

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