[Image of Sun]

Welcome to our Homepage!

This site covers our summer project in the Astrophysics group at Bristol University in 2010.It contains a detailed method of the equipment used and images taken as well as information on the Sun and the History of solar imaging.

The aim of the project was to take detailed images of the sun in the hydrogen alpha band, using the Coronado PST and produce a webpage explaining how this was achieved. Here are some of the aims we laid out in order to do this:

  • Learn to write html and css documents.
  • Learn about the sun and solar activity.
  • Learn to use the telescope and record videos.
  • To use RegiStack software to produce a final image and highlight any faint features or details.
  • To use image processing software to enhance the images further.
  • To use software to determine possible transits of the ISS and other satellites across the Sun.

Who we are:

Taylor Moyer
I am a Physics Undergrad at Bristol University, having just finished my second year. I am particularly interested in astrophotography and atmospheric optics and phenomenon. I really like these websites: Atmospheric Blog and Atoptics

Charlie Field
I have currently just finished my second year at Aberystwyth University, where I have been studying for a MPhys in Physics with Planetary and Space. The areas of physics I'm particularly interested in are both cosmology and planetary physics.


  • While working on this project we produced a blog, click here
  • Live weather feed to make estimates of cloud cover, click here
  • A five day weather forecast, click here
  • Solar weather activity, click here